Hostels center Algeciras

Hostels center Algeciras

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Hostal Algeciras center

Ruta Rio de la Miel

This route comes together in parallel to the river, it is a medium difficulty route with a length of 2.6 km that ends in a waterfall.

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River Road Guadalmesí

With a distance of 7 km circular route of medium difficulty that begins in the Recreation Area The Bujeo. It has spectacular views.

Hostal Algeciras economic center

San Carlos de route Tiradero

Starting in the km.82 of the A-381 Jerez-Los Barrios and a distance of 1.5 km, this route is low difficulty ideal to go with family.

Hostel in the center Algeciras

Tajo route of Figures

Begins in Ca-212 road (Benalup-Los Barrios) is a short route path from which you can learn a natural cave eroded into the rock.

Algeciras Hostels center

Ruta de los Molinos

It starts in Alcalá de los Gazules the end of the CA-2115 Patrite road and ends just before crossing the River Montero. Here you will find numerous mills.

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Vereda route Ubrique - Asomadillas

Starting in tanneries continues along the Vereda de Ubrique. You will cross the road between wild olive and mastic to a forest area.

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Puerto Dark Gorge

Low difficulty Route 1.2 km route that begins in the Recreation Area El Picacho. Its approximate duration is about 30-40 km.

Hostels in Algeciras center

River Road Hozgarganta

a circular route that runs along the left bank of the river Hozgarganta for 4 km. Its difficulty is low and the approximate duration of about 3 hours.

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Route Laguna del Moral

A circular route that begins in the forest house Recreativo Core Environmental La Sauceda, located at km. 56-57 C-3331. Its route is 2 km.

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Ascent Path to Picacho

Starting in the km 30 of the A-375 on this route will enjoy lush vegetation and a spectacular panoramic view of the province of Cadiz.

Hostels in Algeciras center

Sendero Subida al Aljibe

One of the most beautiful routes starting in the recreation area Picacho and reaches a forest shelter. Its route is 6 km and its medium-high difficulty.